Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Scarlet Fever

Well, Anson has Scarlet Fever. He was tested today and Dave has Strep as well. Dave is actually more serious due to him being immune-compromised, so he is actually more sick than Anson. It's alarming for several reasons. First, Anson's throat looks fine. He has a rash to his torso, neck and arms. He has had a slight temperature, but nothing major. I took him in today because there has been some cases in the school systems and the rash was not getting any better. Scarlet Fever is very serious if not treated, causing permanent heart damage. So, I have to stay home the rest of the week because Dave can't be exposed more than he has already been. I hate calling off work, but I am left no choice without family close by. Makes me miss having that support, that's for sure. I'm hoping Dave turns a corner tomorrow and doesn't get any worse. Last time he had throat lesions, it earned him 2 weeks of steroids and antibiotics. And, it's midterm head hurts.

Monday, April 27, 2009

This Weekend

Monday, April 20, 2009

Haden's 4th Birthday

Star Wars was the theme and and Anson just loved it! Kevin made this amazing cake (like it wouldn't be) and the kids had a blast! Sorry there aren't more camera died.

Brandi, Baily and Haden. Brandi is due with their second girl June 3rd!

Anson and his broken bones yet!

Haden and Kevin opening gifts. I've never seen a child tear through so many presents in less than 5 minutes!

Katie, Kevin's niece. She is just precious.

Looking through the Star Wars grub.

Is that all?????

Monday, April 13, 2009


Kevin and Dave at Peggy's.

Easter baskets from, Anson and Britt.

Grandma Marie, mom, Haden, Anson, Britt and Peggy.

Haden and Anson playing with trucks and talking about the grown-ups!

Reading to Ian at Aunt Heather's.

Why they both needed to be in the bed together is beyond me, but it was so cute!

Mom, we gotta get one of theses!


He just loved Ian's swing.

Ian and his loot!

Ian, Heather, Dave and Anson.

Opening every single egg!

Cousin Ian got a new bike from the Easter Bunny.....Anson thought it was the cat's meow!

We put quarters in his eggs and he had to immediately put them in his piggy bank!

Our wonderful neighbors got Anson a basket too.

This one's for Marcia!

My guys.......

She's as good a pillow as any!

Using his potty chair!

Oh, his imagination!