Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Old Pictures

Dave and Eldon.

I know someone will kill me for posting these, but I couldn't help it!

Dave and Star Wars toys I'm sure he wishes he still had!

This is great!

Dave and Heather.

Dave, Heather and Marcia.


Anonymous said...

Norm told me he sent these to you. Then he told me you posted them. Can we go back 33 years to those wonderful days? Boy, it was fun. There are so many wonderful memories attached to all these old pictures. Dad is working on a disc to share. Glad you enjoyed them. Hard to believe that nice, slim good looking woman used to be me, HaHaHa, xoxoxoxo Mom B

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've seen these pictures before. When these were taken Marcia and I were so busy trying to keep our separate lives going that we really didn't have much time for each other's lives. Were we ever that young? Thanks for sharing.

H said...

Thanks for posting pictures of my toothpick legs!! Oh, how I wish I had those scrawny legs back!! I don't wish to be 8 again, just a toothpick.

Anyway, love the pics and thanks for taking me down memory lane.