Saturday, December 27, 2008

December Fun

Anson's favorite gift from my best friend, Heather. It's so funny the blur of him rushing in it once we opened it up. He loves these tents!

The Bertram family. Some of the most wonderful people I know.

Anson stealing Bella's tennis balls that Santa brought her.

Anson, Aunt Pam and Aunt Peggy at Grandma Marie's.

Anson and Haden.

The boy loves his hats.

Okay, what's next????

Getting things started.......

Anson loves tools and anything he can "fix". This tool set was a great gift.

Snack break: vanilla wafers and milk. We got him this art desk. He absolutely loved it. He had to take the chair away that came with it and replace it with the OSU chair we got him!

Merry Christmas!

The switching of the chairs.

His hat he made at school. He wore it all day.

A little chilly after his bath.

My mom smooching Dave and him playing the victim....well, he was!

Anson, Haden and Dave at Kevin's for Christmas. We had Christmas with them the weekend prior to Christmas. Kevin cooked and it was amazing!

The boys.

Anson hiding and waiting for Santa.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!!

merry christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

Wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas!


The Bertrams

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!!!!

Happy Turkey Day!!!
The Bertrams

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Michigan Week Pictures

His new hiding place.

Watching the Michigan game with momma.

Hanging out.


The girls.

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Michigan Week!!!!!

Ohio State Pictures, Images and Photos
F@$* MICHIGAN FOOTBALL Pictures, Images and Photos

So Glad This Week Is Over!

Midterms are over.......thank God!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Things of Worth

I think it is odd the way some people go about their lives interceding in other's lives simply because they feel entitled to do so. What I mean, is this: insisting that anything and everything is their business (and often being quite proud to do so). I want to ask, what makes one want to be involved and run the show in every one's lives? What is fundamentally missing in your life that you need to fill your day with what another adult is perfectly capable of handling? To live in a world where you are the only one who can do "it" right. And, to think that everyone is oblivious to your BS. Hmmmm.....denial is an amazing antidepressant.

Entitled. I must have missed that day at school, because I just don't get that. There are others who took that class a few times and are well versed in it's details. I see it a lot due to the work I am in and the death that accompanies leukemia in my patients. I see what happens when "family" feel entitled to what someone has had their entire lives. I see sisters, mothers, fathers, wives and children fighting over things that they feel entitled to. It's a pathetic and sad thing to see day after day. The only up-side to it all is that it has made Dave and I ensure our affairs are in order and to be aware about legalities when death is an issue.

Often I wonder how people can actually mourn when they are so absorbed in what they think they are entitled to. A life has ended. A person that is a part of the infrastructure of a family is gone. Never to spend another Christmas or birthday. Never to smile or add their special part to a family tradition. Those are things that matter. Not money or things that are viewed of worth. Life is a thing of worth.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008


the far side Pictures, Images and Photos

I thought I would give everyone an update on what's been happening in Bertramland - as Brittany calls it. Dave and I were talking last night and we can't believe it's the middle of November. This year has somehow passed us by. We've had a lot change for us this year and we've had to make adjustments that we never thought we'd have to make, but we are doing great.

Dave has been doing great and is working on the house constantly. He finished the fence and it looks wonderful. The fence that was there was original to the house and the wood was a mess. We just have to stain it and the deck - we'll see if that gets done before Winter! We also finished the bathroom in our bedroom last weekend. I put the last coat of paint on the walls and all that is left is some touch-ups on the trim. We sure don't miss the gray tile, toilette, sink and tub in there! We are OSU fans, but that was a little much. Last year for Christmas we received several gift cards (the Visa ones that you can spend anywhere), along with our income tax return and stimulus check, we were out very little for the bathroom. So, now we are saving to do the big bathroom in the main hall. Maybe next summer. In the meantime, Dave started tearing out the basement ceiling, the bar and built-in cabinets this weekend. Our basement is huge and it was what really sold Dave on this house. Finished, it would double our square-footage. So, Dave is going to work on it a little at a time. It'll be great for a playroom and TV room. The one room has a full wall fireplace and it will be really nice for a family room one day.

School is about the same. I have to take one class that I need at Columbus State Winter quarter. It is offered at OSU but it is every day. I can't do that and work, so I found a section that is offered two nights a week at CSCC. I have my second midterms this week and then just 3 weeks left. I can't wait for Christmas break. Christmas this year will be so much fun!

Anson is absolutely wonderful.......he is doing great in pre-school and really loving it there. I am working two days during the week and he attends those two days. He occasionally goes on Fridays also if I need a day to get some things done, but that's not very often. He is talking up a storm and I am amazed at what he learns every day. His verbal skills surprise me daily. He hears a new word and repeats it on the first try. He loves playing with his group of kids at school and there have been no behavioral issues at all. He is very comfortable in his own skin.

So, that's about it lately. Turkey Day is around the corner and I am working. We are going to have dinner at our house that evening - I work 7-3, so I will still get to eat turkey and watch football!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Illinois Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Greedy People Stink Up the World

Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.
Possessions are usually diminished by possession.
The tighter you squeeze, the less you have.
greedy Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, November 10, 2008

Winter Pictures, Images and Photos
I believe Winter is here.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


vote Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pumpkin Day!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Birthday Pics

Taylor, Anson's future wife.

Jenni and Anson.

Mom and Pam.



The fire truck was a hit!

Can we move it along, please......

Wondering where all these presents are going to go......


Felicia and Kenny.

Mmmmm..pumpkin cupcakes!


More trucks!

Taking a break for some yummy cake that Marcia made.

Airplane from Uncle Kevin, Kendra, Lu Ann and Haden.

Did I miss something???

The cake!!!

Anson, Wil and Vincent.

Hangin' out.

Contemplating trouble....

It was a great turn-out!

Kevin, Anson, Haden and Nicolas.

Andy, Kim and Stavra.

Charissa, Sophie, Archie, Neil and Patty.

Grub time!