Anson and I spent the morning at the zoo today. It was wonderful. He wasn't so sure about this wooden tiger.

Very cool rhino.

I just thought this was so cute. He stood there with it for several minutes.

Mama and baby. So precious.

There were lots of baby animals out today. This one was sleeping with fruit in its hands.

I think I would have been in the wagon too!


Being silly.

Eagle hanging out at the nest. There was another perched nearby.

Anson stood at the fence and called this wolfe "Bella" over and over. People were just laughing as they passed by.

There were lots of ducks, geese and other birds out today.

I am still amazed at the love that radiates from this child.

Brown bears.

This was in the barn. We had so much fun in there. Lots of goats, ponies and sheep. Some chickens here and there, also.

Dave is so proud!

Not real, honey.

This was an indoor activity area. It was really awesome.

Aren't these cool!

"Anson in Wonderland".

He wasn't so sure at first. Took about 5 seconds for that to pass!
Got your message....so happy about your good news! Looks like the zoo was lovely. Anson is just a miracle to see. He is doing so well! When are you coming to visit? Hope to see you soon and congrats on how well school is going. It's almost over....any chance you wanna come and work for us???
Lots of Love,
PS - Tell Dave I said Happy Birthday!!!!
Well, I would love to move down your way, but there really isn't much for Dave career wise. Thank you so much though!!! I'll keep you posted!
Christina - these pics are too cute! Anson is growing into a little man. Call me later....I'll be home after 4.
Next time maybe Dad and I could go with you to the zoo? It is one of our favorite things also. Since our little love enjoys it so, it would be double the fun. The pix of him are adorable. I'm still waiting for the pix of him in the candle light. There was something in it that was just so magical! It was truely a beauty. If we could get him to sit by that little elephant would be precious also. Love, Oma
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