These horses are always my favorite. They are massive!

U.A. Golden Bear!

Another favorite!

Before I die, I'll have one!

Flying girls everywhere! On concrete??? I was shocked!

The theme this year was Wizard of Oz, There's No Place Like Home.

Very cool float.

It's amazing the work they put into these.

This one was really nice. There is a tornado on the end.

This man has been doing this for 30+ years!

I thought this was neat.

The band.

Upper Arlington: Famous for the 4th!

And, then there is this! Dave is building a wall to hang a TV over our fireplace. Anson was

Momma and babies.....

I never knew geese could hiss!! Evil.

Our neighbors house on the 4th.

Anson, Dave and Dan playing with sparklers.

Very serious stuff!

Dan and Peanut. And you thought our dogs were big!

The joy of corn on the cob! Priceless!