Anson stealing Uncle Mark.

Anson's first birthday cakes. Grandma Marcia made the cool soccer ball cake on the right. It was yummy. Thank you!

Grandpa and Anson.
Choo-choo train cake.

Cousin Ian checking out some of Anson's toys.

Debating on eating some icing.
Trying to walk.

From cousin Jenni. Anson loved this mega blocks wagon.

The boy loves wheels.
Outfit from Aunt Bonnie. Perfect for pumpkin pictures!

Tearing into his goodies.
1 comment:
Thanks for a perfectly wonderful 1st Birthday party for a beautiful little grandson. We have so much to be thankful for - two grandchildren in the same year! What a blessing God has given us. We must take advantage of every possible moment to delight in these special gifts. Oma & Opa
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